Tikhanov Library

Featured Books

Gilles, by Pierre Drieu la Rochelle

Best known in the English speaking world for his book Le Feu Follet, which has been adopted into several films, Pierre Drieu la Rochelle considered the semi-autobiographical Gilles to be his greatest work.

The Italian War, by Harukichi Shimoi

The exciting true story of one Japanese man’s experiences in the First World War. Harukichi Shimoi was a poet, a spy, and a world traveler. The Italian War is a series of letters written from his time working as a journalist in the trenches of WW1.

What people are saying

Mothers love us

Anyone who has spent time following far-Right young trolls on social media today will recognise the profile. Their confidence in their manhood is weak and so they lash out at women, dreamy indecisive liberals, and the physically vulnerable in pathetic displays of adolescent bravado, all from the safety of their mothers’ basements.

Mark Lillah, “How to build a far-Right revolutionary”, Unherd, August 6th

Setting ourselves apart!

You’re a megatard. Having faint text on visually busy backgrounds isn’t going to read well in print, and is awful no matter the format. Your designs in general are mediocre at best, more often tacky, and most often just shit. Setting yourself apart by sucking is not what you want to do.

~ Anonymous hate mail

Don’t forget about us William

[Will] Self writes. “But whereas the latter novel won a Prix Goncourt in 1933 and has never been out of print in English, Gilles has never even been translated.” (A serialised English translation by Tikhanov Library is currently being published.)

Mia Levitin, “The Fire Within — existentialism avant la lettre?”, Financial Times, December 12th

Recent Articles

Emily Pauline Johnson, the mother of Canadian poetry

Whenever I find myself homesick I read poetry, and in particular, there is one poet that I always find myself returning to. Emily Pauline Johnson, also known as Tekahionwake, a Mohawk Princess who wrote several books in high Victorian style at the start of the 1900s…

With the Unión Nacional Sinarquista in Mexico City

Last year while living in Mexico City I had the opportunity to visit the Unión Nacional Sinarquista (UNS) headquarters in Mexico City and meet with several of their leaders to discuss ideology and the history of their movement.

The Rise and Fall of Pierre Drieu la Rochelle

Pierre Drieu la Rochelle’s suicide marked the end of an epoch in French publishing, and world politics more generally. While many in his class were able to deftly manouver the rapidly changing political and economic landscape of their time, Drieu la Rochelle’s decision to collaborate with the occupying regime lead to his untimely death.

The trial of F.T. Marinetti

F.T. Marinetti’s first novel, Mafarka the futurist, was initially published in Paris to broad critical acclaim. When it was later translated into Italian and published in Milan however, Marinetti was quickly brought before court and charged with obscenity and distributing pornography.

Aldus Manutius and the Aldine Press

Through his tireless effort, Aldus would revolutionize the publishing industry and lay the necessary groundwork for the Renaissance, modern democracy, and the bourgeoisie revolutions of the 18th and 19th centuries.

Alexis de Tocqueville’s notes on Islam

The following is a series of notes that Alexis de Tocqueville wrote about the Islamic religion. They were written in 1839 during the ongoing French colonization of Algeria, and describe Tocqueville’s attempts to understand Islam from a western-european perspective.

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Hand Bindings

Stitched and bound by hand, hardcover editions of classic literature in leather and fabric. Sold in limited quantities.


Print catalogue of great literature from across the world. Our collection offers a mixture of original translations and reprints of forgotten classics.

Featured Film

Every month we will host a public domain movie. The movie for June is Yojimbo by Akira Kurosawa


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